Cost Analysis
  • 19 Jul 2024
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Cost Analysis

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Article summary


The Subscriptions filter is used to select the required subscriptions from the available subscriptions in an analysis view before proceeding with other filtering options.

The Subscriptions filter displays a list of subscriptions that can be accessed from the associated Service principals. Only the cost of the selected subscriptions will be displayed.

subscription filter.PNG

Time interval

Users can select the required time interval to display the cost data for the specified time period. Users can also provide a custom date range.

time interval.PNG

The custom date range is restricted to a limit of 1 year from the current date.## Analysis View

Views within Cost Analyzer are used to visualise the cost of Azure subscriptions as charts and tables. Each view can be defined based on customizable filtering options like subscriptions, resource groups, tags, etc.

Supported Chart types

  • Area
  • Column (stacked)
  • Column (grouped)
  • Line
  • Table


An Area chart displays the cost comparison of various categories over a specified time, emphazised with different colors.

Area chart.PNG

The Area chart will not be available when the Granularity value is set to None.

Column (stacked)

Categories are stacked one above the other in vertical columns. Stacked column charts are used to compare the total and parts of the filtered category data series efficiently.

Column stacked filter.PNG

Column (grouped)

Bar charts with categories displayed in the form of columns, each distinguished by a different color, are known as grouped column charts.

column grouped chart.PNG


A line chart is a graphical representation of the cost based on the categories that connects a series of data points with a continuous line.

line chart.PNG


Cost details will be displayed as rows and columns where it is easy for the users to get a scrutinized view.

table chart.PNG



Choosing the Accumulated option and required time interval accumulates the data from the beginning to the end of the time interval to display the total cost for the selected filter categories.

Accumulated filter.PNG


Select the Daily option and the required time interval to view the cost spent on the selected filter categories for each day within the provided time interval.

Daily filter.PNG


Choosing the Monthly option and required time interval displays the cost spent on the selected filter categories every month.

Monthly filter.PNG


Choosing the None option and required time interval displays the total cost spent based on the selected filter categories.

None filter.PNG

Group by

The chart data in an analysis view can be grouped using any one of the available options:

  • Location
  • Resource
  • Resource Group
  • Resource Type
  • Subscription
  • Tag
  • Service Name
  • Meter
  • Meter subcategory


The Location groups the cost data from the selected subscriptions based on the regions available.

This option is useful when the user is required to view the total cost used by the subscriptions in any specific location, for a specific period.

Location filter.PNG


The Resource option groups the cost data from the selected subscriptions based on individual resources. This option can be used to identify the cost of individual resources in a subscription for a specified time period.

resource filter.PNG

Resource Group

The Resource Group option groups the cost data from the selected subscriptions based on the resource groups.

Users can also view the cost usage of the resource groups that are no longer available in the selected subscriptions.

resource group filter.PNG

Resource Type

The Resource Type option groups the cost data from the selected subscriptions based on the resource types of resources.

resource type filter.PNG


The Subscription option groups the total cost data from the selected subscriptions on a per-subscription basis.

Subscription filter1.PNG


The Tag option allows users to group the cost data from the selected subscriptions based on Azure tags.

tag filter.PNG

Service Name

The Service Name option allows users to group the cost data from the selected subscriptions based on Azure services.

servicenow filter.PNG


The Meter option allows users to group the cost data from the selected sunscriptions based on meters.

meter filter.PNG

Meter subcategory

The Meter subcategory option allows users to group the cost data from the selected subscriptions based on meter subcategories.

meter subcategory filter.PNG


Forecasting within Cost Analyzer is a predictive analysis that estimates potential future expenditures done upon the resources and its services, helping users anticipate and manage their budget effectively. This can be acheived by simply clicking upon the Forecast-->View in chart option available in the Analysis section, and users can choose to remove the forecast from their views by selecting Forecast-->Hide in chart.

forecasted view.gif

The cost forecast is determined based on the resource and service usage within a subscription; any purchases made will not be factored into the prediction. Also, any changes in the usage may take about a week to be reflected in the Views.

Expand cost

Azure cost for a specific filter category can be easily viewed by clicking the chart data points in the Analysis section. The filtered data can be expanded further by clicking the data points in the new chart.

drill down filter.gif


Users can choose between Actual cost and Amortized cost for Azure subscription and resource cost visualisation by using the Metric filter.

Actual Cost displays the raw usage and purchases for Azure and third-party Marketplace offerings as they will appear on the invoice.

Amortized Cost divides reservation purchase charges and distributes them evenly over the term's duration. Amortized reservation costs are linked to the resources that were used.

metric filter.PNG


The Currency filter allows users to choose a specific currency type for the selected subscriptions to view their cost details.

currency filter.PNG

If there are n number of subscriptions with different currency types, then the Currency type will hold only USD. When the n number of subscriptions holds the same currency type, it will have USD and the subscription's primary currency type in the dropdown of the currency filter.

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