Business Application
  • 21 Mar 2024
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Business Application

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Article summary

With the solution we have built, it is difficult to allow anyone who is not an expert in Logic Apps or API Management the ability to support the solution.

The support experience for the solution stakeholders required a lot of support cases to need a number of escalation steps.


With Turbo360 Business applications we can add the resources to a Business Application which gives us a grouping to manage the resources which make up the solution together in one place regardless of where they are deployed.


We can now have access to management and monitoring features which allow a non azure expert to be able to support the solution with monitoring setup out of the box and access to features aimed at supporting the solution.

The result is that others can participate in supporting the solution and by shifting support to the left we can lower the total cost of ownership of the solution and provide a better support experience for your users.


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