Business Application & Group Insights
  • 12 Feb 2024
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Business Application & Group Insights

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Article summary

Business Application Views

Business Application data can be viewed in two different view modes to suit user preferences:

Card view

  • Card View graphically displays the number of resources associated with the Business Application and the aggregated monitoring status of resources in the Business Application.

  • This view includes a monitoring summary for the relevant Business Application and a Quick Access option to categorize high-priority Business Applications.

BA card.png

List view

  • The List View tabulates the consolidated monitoring status of resources associated with the Business Application. The list view allows updating and deleting an existing Business Application.

List view.png

Business Application Group Overview

A Business Group overview is divided into two sections: Business Applications and Business Application Groups, each containing all available Business Applications and Groups.

Business Applications

The Business Applications section in a Business Group overview displays a list of all Business Applications present in a Business Group. You can filter out the Business Applications based on the monitoring state.

BA overview.png

Users can choose between two modes to display the available Business Applications under the Business Applications section.

  • image.pngView Child Applications - When this mode is selected, only the immediate child Business Applications in a Business Group are displayed, hiding all Business Applications available within sub-groups.

  • image.pngView All Applications - When you select this mode, you will see all the Business Applications available in a Business Group, including those in sub-groups of a Business Group.

Business Application Groups

The Business Application Groups section of a Business Group overview displays a list of all available groups within a Business Group. The Business Application Groups can be filtered based on their monitoring status.

BA Groups.png

A Business Application Group card provides insights on the total count and aggregated monitoring status of the available Business Applications and Business Groups within a Business Group.

This section also provides two modes similar to those available in the Business Applications section:

  • image.pngView Child Groups - When this mode is selected, only the immediate child business groups available within a Business Group are displayed, with all sub-groups of the child groups hidden.

  • image.pngView All Groups - When this mode is selected, all groups within a Business Group are shown, including immediate child groups and sub-groups within those groups.

Clicking on a sub-group card within a Business Group displays the list of available Business Applications and sub-groups in the appropriate sections.

Sub groups and BA.gif

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