Chart library
  • 13 Nov 2024
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Chart library

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Article summary


The Chart library in Cost Analyzer acts as a central hub for creating and managing chart schema, which can be effortlessly integrated into analysis views for your cost groups.

Add chart schema

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Chart library -> Add to start creating a schema.


  1. Enter a unique name for the chart schema and provide a description to help differentiate it from others.
  2. Enable the Comparison chart option to see a preview of the schema in a comparison format.


  1. Check the Pin to tabs option to secure the chart schema as an Analysis view within the associated Cost group.

Checking the Pin to Tabs box will pin the Analysis view with the applied schema in Cost Analysis and save it to Saved Views.


  1. Click Next to move on to customizing the analysis filters.
  2. Configure the filters to meet the criteria for quickly aligning cost details in a Cost group with the schema when accessed from the Cost library in the Analysis view.


The Subscription filter is excluded from the chart schema. When the schema is applied to a Cost group, it will be applied to all subscriptions within the selected Cost group when accessed from Cost Analysis.

  1. Click Add to create a new chart schema in the Chart library.

Apply schema to a cost view

Applying a chart schema to a Cost group will store it as an Analysis view in the Saved views feature.

  1. Go to Settings -> Chart library.
  2. Click the three-dotted icon next to the desired schema
  3. Select Apply
  4. Choose the required cost groups to apply the schema and store it as an analysis view.

Selecting the Update existing chart option will apply any available updates to the chart associated with a specific cost group.


Chart library in Analysis view

The Chart library option in Cost Analysis can be used to easily access any chart schema and apply it to all available subscriptions.

Chart library option.png

Clicking on the schema name will display a preview of the schema.

Schema list.png

Filters from an Analysis view can be captured as a chart schema and added to the chart library using the Actions -> Add to chart library option.


Edit chart schema

  1. Go to Settings -> Chart library.
  2. Click the three-dotted icon next to the schema to be updated with changes.
  3. Select Edit option.
  4. Perform necessary changes to the schema and click Update.


Modifications to an existing schema will have no effect on the chart schema applied to a cost group or those pinned in Analysis view of a cost group.

Clone chart schema

  1. Go to Settings -> Chart library.
  2. Click Action next to the saved schema and click Clone option to clone the existing schema.


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