Cost Analyzer User Activities
  • 23 Feb 2024
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Cost Analyzer User Activities

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Article summary


All the user logs are shown in the User Activities section, where they can be sorted by category.

The following log categories are recorded in the Cost Analyzer User activities:

  • Cost Management Groups
  • Service Principal management
  • User management


Cost Management Groups

Cost Management Group category of user log displays all the logs related to the Analysis, Monitoring and Optimization Schedule operations that can be carried out with respect to a Cost Management Group.

The following activities are recorded in the log for Cost Management Groups:

  • Creating a Cost Management Group
  • Updating a Cost Management Group
  • Deleting a Cost Management Group
  • Adding a view
  • Updating a view
  • Deleting a view
  • Pinning a view
  • Unpinning a view
  • Adding a Monitor
  • Updating a Monitor
  • Removing a Monitor
  • Creating a schedule
  • Updating schedule settings
  • Associating resources
  • Updating resource mapping
  • Deleting a schedule

Service Principal management

The Service Principal management category of user log displays all the logs related to the operations that can be carried out with respect to a Service Principal.

The following activities are recorded in the log for Service Principal Management:

  • Adding a Service Principal
  • Updating a Service Principal
  • Deleting a Service Principal

User management

The following activities are recorded in the log for User Management:

  • Adding a new user/group
  • Updating user permissions
  • Removing an existing user/group
  • Adding a new role
  • Updating an existing role
  • Deleting a role

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