Cost Optimization
  • 09 May 2024
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Cost Optimization

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Article summary


The main goal of Cost Analyzer is to provide an effective cost management service that helps users minimize the Azure subscription cost based on resource utilization.

The first step towards cost management is to allow users to optimize the resource cost by scheduling them to deallocate/ scale down based on the up and down hours of the business.

Cost Optimization in Cost Analyzer is a feature that enables users to create optimization schedules with resources associated by defining the tiers, throughput values, and the resource state with respect to the Up and Down hours of a week.


Additionally, the optimization schedules display a chart showing the costs that can be saved when resources are scheduled.

Cost Optimization supports the following resource types:

1. App Service Plan

An app service plan's pricing tier can be scheduled to run at a higher tier during Up hours and a lower tier during Down hours.

The Up and Down config values determine the tiers that should be set to the resources in the Up and Down hours, respectively.


2. Cosmos SQL Container

The throughput value of a Cosmos SQL Container can be scheduled to run at a higher value during Up hours and a lower value during Down hours.

The Up and Down config values determine the throughput values that should be set to the resources in the Up and Down hours, respectively.


3. Cosmos SQL Database

The throughput value of a Cosmos SQL Database can be scheduled to run at a higher value during Up hours and a lower value during Down hours.

The Up and Down config values determine the throughput values that should be set to the resources in the Up and Down hours, respectively.


4. Cosmos Table

The throughput value of a Cosmos Table can be scheduled to run at a higher value during Up hours and a lower value during Down hours.

The Up and Down config values determine the throughput values that should be set to the resources in the Up and Down hours, respectively.


5. Data Factory Pipelines

Pipeline triggers can be scheduled to start in Up hours and stop in Down hours.


6. Logic Apps

Logic Apps can be scheduled to run in the Up hours and stopped in the Down hours.


7. SQL Database

The pricing tier of an SQL DB can be scheduled to run at a higher tier during Up hours and a lower tier during Down hours.

The Up and Down config determines the pricing tier that should be set to the resources in the Up and Down hours, respectively.


The DTU count and Data max size can be customized for the DTU-based purchasing model. In contrast, the hardware configuration for Vcore-based purchasing models can be customized.

sql -dtu.png

8. SQL Elastic Pool

The pricing tier of an SQL Elastic pool can be scheduled to run at higher tier during Up hours and a lower tier during Down hours.

The Up and Down config determines the pricing tier that should be set to the resources in the Up and Down hours, respectively.


The DTU count and Data max size can be customized for the DTU-based purchasing model. In contrast, the hardware configuration for Vcore-based purchasing models can be customized.


9. Synapse Pipelines

Pipeline triggers can be scheduled to start in Up hours and stop in Down hours.


10. Virtual Machine

The Up and Down hours can be scheduled to upgrade/downgrade the virtual machine service tier (or) initiate startup/shutdown.


11. Virtual Machine Scale Set

The Up and Down hours can be scheduled to upgrade/downgrade the service tier of virtual machine scalesets (or) initiate startup/shutdown.


  • The Optimization schedule runs only once every hour, irrespective of the Up and Down hours specified, and performs the necessary action.
  • The Optimization schedule run history data will be available only when the previous state and the next state are different.

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