Creating a Policy Definition
  • 19 Nov 2024
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Creating a Policy Definition

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Article summary

Turbo360 allows users to define custom policy definitions. The Policy definition is a set of business rules described in JSON format.

Policy definition structure

The policy definition contains the following elements:

  • Display name
  • Description
  • Category
  • Mode
  • Metadata
  • Parameters
  • Policy rule

Create a Policy definition

  1. Go to Policies section in Azure Documenter
  2. Click Create policy in the Definitions tab
  3. Define the policy scope. The scope can be either a management group or a subscription. Click Next
  4. Provide display name and description to identify the policy definition. The display name has a maximum length of 128 characters and the description has a maximum length of 512 characters
  5. Create or provide a built-in category to the policy definition. It is an optional field

The JSON field includes mode, parameters, and policy rule(s).

  • Mode is configured depending on the policy if its targeting an Azure Resource Manager property or a Resource Provider property.
  • Parameters help simplify your policy management by reducing the number of policy definitions. A parameter has the following properties that are used in the policy definition:
  • name: The name of the parameter used by the parameters deployment function within the policy rule.
  • type: Determines if the parameter is a string, array, object, boolean, integer, float, or datetime.
  • metadata

Metadata has the following properties:

  • description: The explanation of what the parameter is used for.
  • displayName: A friendly name.
  • strongType: Optional value, used to determine the type.
  • assignPermissions: Optional value, set as true to create role assignments during policy assignment.
  • defaultValue: Optional value, sets the value of the parameter in an assignment if no value is given. Required when updating an existing policy definition that is assigned. For object-type parameters, the value must match the appropriate schema.
  • allowedValues: Optional value, provides an array of values that the parameter accepts during the assignment. Allowed value comparisons are case-sensitive. For object-type parameters, the values must match the appropriate schema.
  • schema: Optional value, provides validation of parameter inputs during assignment using a self-defined JSON schema.

The policy rule consists of If and Then blocks. If a block contains one or more conditions that specify when the policy is enforced. Logical operators can be applied to these conditions to precisely define the scenario for a policy.

  1. Click Create to create the policy definition

During the creation or updating of a policy definition the name, description, and category are defined by properties external to the JSON.


Edit a Policy definition

  1. Click the Edit icon next to any policy definition in Policies -> Definitions
  2. Go through the same steps as in above for editing a policy definition and click Update

The scope of the policy definition cannot be changed when updating the policy definition.

Delete a Policy definition

  1. Click the Delete icon next to any policy definition in Policies -> Definitions
  2. Click Delete in the confirmation box


The built-in policy definition can't be edited or deleted.

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