Group Budget Monitoring
  • 21 Jan 2025
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Group Budget Monitoring

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Article summary


Setting up the budget for a Cost Management group offers the benefit of receiving alerts in the event of any deviation from the configured budget.


  1. Navigate to the following path: Cost group -> Monitoring. Click Configure available in the Group budget widget.
  2. Enable the monitoring toggle
  3. Select the time interval to compare against the budget threshold.
  4. Select the cost metric type and define a budget value.

Group budget1.png

Alert conditions

Alert conditions can be defined for the configured budget and alerts can be triggered once these thresholds are reached.

a. Click the Alert conditions option to set percentage limits.
b. Provide percentage limits as desired.
c. Click Apply

Percentage limit.png

  1. Click Next to set up notification services for alerting.
  2. Select the preferred escalation policy and configure the channels.
  3. Click Save.

Channel selection.png

Trends will be generated based on the configured interval and budget threshold, with the red dotted lines representing the set budget.

Trend chart.png

The most recent values based on the configured interval will be compared to the budget and percentage thresholds, with alerts triggered if any of these values reach the budget threshold or its percentage limits.

Manage existing configuration

  1. Go to Monitoring section of a Cost group where a Group budget is already configured.
  2. Click Manage in the Group budget widget.
  3. Perform the required changes.
  4. Click Save.

Enable/Disable Group budget monitoring

Group budget monitoring can be Enabled/Disabled by selecting the Toggle on/Toggle off button available in the Group budget wizard.


Group budget report

The image below illustrates the Group budget alert received for a cost group, indicating that the actual expenses have exceeded the predefined budget limit.

Group budget alert.png

Monitoring state

The monitoring status of a Cost Management group in the tree view is determined by the state of the Group budget defined, following this sequence:

  • Red: Indicates that 100% of the budget threshold is reached.
  • Green: Indicates that the group budget is less than the configured budget or its percentage thresholds.
  • Grey: Indicates that no budget monitoring is enabled for the group.


Alert incidents

  • Budget monitoring alerts will be recorded as incidents and are accessible using the View Incidents option located in the Group budget widget.

  • The incident details can be accessed by clicking the open status.

  • Alert incidents for group budgets surpassing the 100% limit will be marked as open, indicating an error state for the cost group in the tree view, while those exceeding other percentage limits will be closed.

Alert details.png

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