Group Notifications
  • 19 Nov 2024
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Group Notifications

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Article summary


Enabling Group notifications for a Cost group produces weekly and monthly reports that provide detailed insights into the following data across different Azure subscriptions:

i) Cost summary
ii) Potential cost savings by Rightsizing resources and opting to Reservation

Cost summary - A concise breakdown of costs, focusing on significant variations, will be generated by analyzing expenses from the past two weeks or months for the respective periods. These notable changes will include data from highly consumed Azure subscriptions and resource types within the subscriptions.

Potential cost savings - An in-depth analysis of expenses before and after rightsizing and reservation adjustments will be generated for the specified interval. The report will also include targeted recommendations to refine resource allocation strategies within each category.

Reports will be generated separately for Cost summary as well as for Rightsizing and Reservation savings.

Alert configuration

Follow the below steps to access the configuration wizard for cost group notifications:

  1. Click the Context menu of a Cost group from the tree view.
  2. Select Notifications.



  1. Go to Cost group -> Monitoring.
  2. Click Manage next to the Group notifications widget.


The user can select either one or both checkboxes based on their reporting preferences and requirements.

The interval selection includes options for weekly, monthly, or both intervals.


The monthly interval is prioritized if both interval options are selected and both reports are scheduled to be generated on the same day.

Group summary report

Below is an illustration of a cost group notification received in Turbo360 mail, which includes a weekly cost summary report for configured Azure subscriptions when comparing the last two weeks:

The notification additionally provides a link for direct navigation to the Analysis section of the corresponding group.

Group summary.png

Potential cost savings report

Illustrated below is a cost group notification obtained through Turbo360 mail, containing a weekly savings report that outlines adjustments feasible through rightsizing the available resources.

The notification also contains direct link for navigating to the Rightsizing section of the respective group.

Savings report.png

The report will not be generated if there is no savings detected in the cost comparison.

Alert incidents

Alert incidents of Cost group notifications is accessible from the Group notifications widget available within the Monitoring section of a Cost group.


Clicking the open status reveals the corresponding incident details.


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