Inline Automated tasks
  • 12 Feb 2024
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Inline Automated tasks

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Article summary


An Inline Automation task is performed within compatible resources rather than Automated task operation.

The compatible resources include:

  • Service Bus
  • Event Grid
  • Event Grid Domain
  • Event Hub
  • Logic App
  • Logic App Workflow (Standard)
  • Storage Account
  • Data Factory Pipeline
  • Synapse Pipeline
  • Power Automate Flow
  • Runbook

The configuration of these tasks can be saved in order to perform Automated tasks.

The schedule type will be classified as inline in the Automatic tasks section when any of the Inline task configuration(s) is saved.

Service Bus

In Turbo360, the service bus resource enables Inline Automated tasks for the following operations:

1. Process Messages
2. Send Messages
3. Purge Messages

Depending on the needs of the user, all of these operations may be scheduled or performed immediately.

With the support of Inline Automated tasks, users can send or purge messages from one queue to another in a faster manner.

Send messages - inline task.png

Purge messages - inline task.png

Event Grid

  • Event Grid resource enables Inline Automated task by allowing users to send events to any of the Event Grid Topics.

Send events to EG Topic - Inline task.png

Event Grid Domain

  • Event Grid Domain resource enables Inline Automated task by allowing users to send events to any of the Event Grid Domain Topics.

Send events to EG Domain Topic - inline task.png

Event Hub

  • The Inline Automated task for Event Hub is similar to event grid working.

  • The Event hub allows the Inline Automated task of sending events to event hubs.

Send events to Event Hub.png

Logic App

The Logic App supports Inline Automated task for resubmitting failed logic app runs.

Resubmit logic app failed runs - inline task.png

Logic App Workflow (Standard)

Like that of Logic App, Logic App Workflow (Standard) also holds Inline Automated task for resubmitting failed logic app runs.

Workflow standard - inline task.png

Storage Account

Storage account in Turbo360 consists of the following :

  • Storage Blob
  • Storage File
  • Storage Table
  • Storage Queue
  • Change Blob Access Tier

In terms of Inline Automated tasks, Storage File, Storage Table, and Storage Queue can only execute purge operations. Storage blob Containers additionally includes the inline task to change blob access tiers.

Purge table entities - inline.png

Purge queue messages - inline task.png

Purge files - inline task.png

Change blob tiers - inline task.png

Purge blobs - inline task.png

Data Factory Pipeline

Data Factory Pipeline supports Inline Automated task to rerun the pipeline runs that failed within the specified time.

DF pipeline - inline task.png

Synapse Pipeline

Synapse Pipeline supports Inline Automated task to rerun the pipeline runs that failed within the specified time.

Synapse pipeline - inline task.png

Power Automate Flow

Power Automate Flow supports Inline Automated task to resubmit flow runs taht failed within the specified time.

Power automate - inline task.png


Runbook supports Inline Automated task to create runbook jobs with or without parameters.

Runbook - inline task.png

Added information

  • With the help of Inline Automated tasks, both scheduled as well as non-scheduled tasks can be performed.

  • Automated tasks are much preferred, in cases of an advanced schedule setup.

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