LogicApp-Standard Workflow Support
  • 13 Feb 2024
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LogicApp-Standard Workflow Support

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Article summary

Tracking Logic App Standard Workflows

Logic App with Consumption workflow

In the Consumption workflow, users have the feasibility to use logic app custom connector, which will allow us to create a connector by inputting the swagger file and API Connection.

The Custom Connector will provide support to track business activities with its 3 actions namely Start Transaction, CheckPoint, & Checkpoint with Correlation.

Image 1: Logic App Consumption workflow in Azure
Custom workflow orchestration.JPG

Logic App with Standard workflow

In the case of Standard Workflow, users do not have options to create their custom connector, which results in a lack of help to track the business activities with ease, compared to Consumption workflow.
As an alternative method to overcome the hindrance, users can make use of the HTTP Actions provided in Azure and the Exposed API’s URL.
Exposed APIs provided in Turbo360. (BAM -> Actions -> BAM Connection details)

Image 2: Logic App with Standard Workflow in Azure
STandrd flow-final.JPG

Image 3: HTTP configuration for StartTransaction

Image 4: Condition Specification
(Note- In the below image ‘Number’ is the user-defined property, for which the value will be checked for the result).

Condition specification-final.png

HTTP configuration for Checkpoints


Headers required for Start Transaction
BAM-BusinessProcess *
BAM-Transaction *
BAM-Stage *

Headers required for CheckPoint


Input for Condition: trigger().outputs.body.messageBody.Number

(Number – User-defined Property name)

Input for Transaction Instance Id: body('StartTransaction')['TransactionInstanceId']

(StartTransaction – name of HTTP action which has the StartTransaction as its URL).

Tracking activities captured in Turbo360


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