Managing Business Process groups
  • 12 Feb 2024
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Managing Business Process groups

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Article summary


Business Process Groups can be created to organize a collection of Business Processes related to an enterprise for better management.

A Business Process group can contain multiple business processes and sub-groups.

Group management

Add a group

  1. Click Actions dropdown -> New Business Process group in the homepage (or) Select New Business Process group in the root Business Process group context menu from the tree view
  2. Enter a name to the group
  3. Click Save



Edit a group

  1. Click Edit option in the context menu of the desired group from the tree view
  2. The name of the Business Process group can be updated
  3. Click Update


Delete a group

  1. Click Delete option in the context menu of the desired group from the tree view
  2. Click Delete in the confirmation box


Deleting a Business Process group deletes all of its data, including its business processes.

Business Process Group Overview

A Business Group overview has four sections: Overview, Tracking, Dashboard, and Monitoring, each of which contains information about its business process within the group(s).

Business Process Groups


The Overview section of the Business Process Group displays a list of all the available Business Processes within the selected group that can be filtered based on its monitoring status.



Tracking of Business Process Groups contains transaction instances of the Business Processes within that group where the query used for tracking can be saved and managed.



Dashboards of Business Process Groups can be used to create customizable widgets based on queries. Business Process Groups can have multiple dashboards.

Each dashboard consists of different types of customizable widgets that can be configured and arranged as per the user's need.



Monitoring of Business Process Groups has three sections:

  • Incidents- It holds the alert details of all the Business processes within the selected Business Process Group.

  • Duration Monitoring: This holds the duration monitoring details of all the Business processes within a group.

  • Query Monitoring: This holds the Query monitoring details of those queries saved under the tracking section of that Business group.


Business Process Groups Overview provides two viewing modes:

  • View All Children - When this mode is selected, all the Business Processes within a Business Group are shown, including immediate child groups and sub-groups within those groups.

  • View Direct Children - When this mode is selected, only the immediate child business processes available within a Business Group are displayed.


Monitoring State

The monitoring state of a business process group in the tree view is decided by the high precedence over the health status of the Business Process Groups and the Business Processes in it, which is in the following order: Error<Warning<Healthy<Not Monitored.


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