Managing optimization schedules
  • 04 Oct 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Managing optimization schedules

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Article summary

Create a Schedule

  1. Go to Optimization section in a Cost group.
  2. Click Add / Create optimization schedule.
  3. Enter a name for the schedule.
  4. Set a timezone based on which scheduling is to be performed.
  5. Click Next.

Basic details.png

Scheduling configuration

  1. The next step is to specify the Up hours and Down hours of a week for the resources.

Hours Configuration.png

The hours in green will be considered Up hours, and those in red will be considered Down hours.

The resources will be set to the Up configuration value or started at the beginning of every Up hour and be set to the Down configuration value or stopped at the beginning of every Down hour based on the resource type.

  1. Click Next.

Resource selection

  1. Choose the required resources available in the selected subscriptions for optimization.


At present, the following resource types are available for optimization:

  • App service plan
  • Cosmos SQL container
  • Cosmos SQL database
  • Cosmos table
  • Data Factory Pipeline
  • Logic Apps
  • SQL Database
  • SQL Elastic pool
  • SQL Managed Instances
  • Synapse Pipeline
  • Virtual machine
  • Virtual machine scale set
  1. Provide the Up and Down config values to the corresponding resources for the selected Up and Down hours.

  2. Click Next.

The same resource cannot be added to multiple optimization schedules.

Notification Settings

  1. Configure notification channels to the schedule to receive notification when the optimization schedule run is complete.
  2. Click Next.

The user can also choose to receive alerts only when there is a failure for any of the scheduled resources while running the optimization schedule.

Notification selection.png


The schedule summary displays detailed information about the optimization schedule, including a Cost Savings chart that helps users gain insights on the cost that can be saved when resources are scheduled for optimization.

Schedule summary.png

  1. Click Create optimization schedule to finish creating the schedule.

The Schedule runs once in every hour based on the provided timezone.

  • The optimized SKU can only be applied when the Service Principal has Contributor access.

Currency selection

When creating a schedule, the Currency filter available in Resource selection allows users to select any available currency types to display cost values based on their preferences.

If the currency filter value is updated, any resource chosen prior to the update will be updated with the new currency type.


The currency type can be updated from the Schedule settings as well.


Scheduled & Unscheduled resources

Scheduled resources


A resource can be added to an existing optimization schedule at any point by using the Schedule resources option available in the Scheduled Resources tab within Resources section.

All the scheduled resources will be listed in the Scheduled Resources tab within the Resources section.

The same resource cannot be added to multiple optimization schedules.

Unscheduled resources

The Unscheduled Resources tab in the Resources section will list all the resources that were not chosen from the resource types fetched during the scheduling process.


Adding resources to the schedule

  • Any unscheduled resource can be added to a schedule by clicking the Schedule resources option and selecting the required resource.

  • The Unscheduled resources data for the corresponding schedule will be updated again based on the retrieved resource types and resources by next day at 12am UTC.

Enable/Disable scheduled resources

The user can enable or disable resources mapped to a schedule to determine their inclusion or exclusion in the subsequent run.

  1. Enable/Disable the toggle next to the required resource
  2. Click Update

Resource toggle.png

Scheduling for mapped resources will be reflected based on the recent changes made to the toggle status.

Update configuration values

The configuration values of App Service Plans and Cosmos resources can be updated even after creating the schedule.

  1. Navigate to the following path: Optimization schedule -> Resources -> Scheduled Resources.
  2. The Up and Down config values can be modified.
  3. Click Update.


Update a Schedule

  1. Go to Optimization schedule -> Settings.
  2. The schedule name, currency type, timezone, and scheduling configuration can be modified.
  3. Click Update.


On demand runs

Optimization schedules can be started manually right away, without having to wait for their scheduled time.

  1. Navigate to the following path: Cost group -> Optimization -> Schedules.
  2. Click the Run Schedule icon next to the relevant schedule. The resources mapped to the schedule will be listed here, allowing for selection according to user preferences.

Run schedule.png

  1. Choose Start (Scale Up) or Stop (Scale Down) to trigger the schedule according to the Up and Down settings configured for the mapped resources.

Trigger options.png

  1. Click Initiate to run the schedule.

Run history

The optimization schedule runs only once every hour, irrespective of the Up and Down hours specified, and performs the necessary action.

The History section of an optimization schedule will display the details of the schedule run only when the previous and the next state are different.


Delete a Schedule

  1. Navigate to Optimization section in a Cost Group.
  2. Click the Delete icon next to the schedule to be deleted.
  3. Click Delete.


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