  • 21 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The IDOC processing demo shows how you can use Turbo360 to manage an integration solution for one of the common patterns for integrating with SAP.

Demo Story

  • The finance team uses SAP
  • IDocs are published from SAP to support multiple outbound integration scenarios
  • We need to receive IDOCS from SAP and implement a pub/sub pattern to drive other interfaces which will integrate data with different systems
  • We need to use MATMAS and ORDERS05 messages to integrate with Maximo

The below diagram represents the solution.



The solution would be implemented with Logic Apps and the Logic App SAP connector. We receive IDOCS from SAP and publish them to Service Bus where the pub/sub is implemented.

We then use Logic App to process messages for each subscriber and API Management to integrate with Maximo web services.

The below diagram shows the Azure view of this solution.


Target Customers

  • Logic App Users
  • Customers integrating with SAP
  • API Management users
  • Customers implementing iPaaS solutions

Customer Desires

  • I want to make it easier to support my Logic App solutions
  • I want to make it easy to setup effective monitoring for my solution
  • I want to allow my business users to self service some of the interfaces so they can know whats going on
  • I want to allow the SAP team to self service some of their interfaces

Azure Features Covered

  • Logic Apps
  • APIM

SL360 Features Covered

  • Business Apps
    • Service Map
    • Business App Dashboard
    • Operations
      • Logic Apps
        • Run History
        • Action Required
        • Monitoring
      • APIM
        • Monitoring
  • BAM

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