Scheduling configuration
  • 19 Nov 2024
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Scheduling configuration

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Article summary


Automated Tasks can be triggered manually whenever required or scheduled to run at specific time in a day.

Navigate to the Automated Tasks tab in any Business Application to create an Automated Task.

Configuring an Automated Task can be specific for each Azure Resource, which is briefly explained in the upcoming articles.

Manual run

  • In order to run a configured task manually, select Run from the context menu of a task configuration.

Defining schedule

  • Turn on Enable Scheduling to schedule the configured task.

  • Users must specify the timezone in which the task should be scheduled, as well as the start date and time.

Defining recurrence

  • After setting up the start date and time for the task to run, users can define recurrence to allow the automatic task run on the specified schedule configuration.

  • The task can be set to run on the specified days at the time mentioned, specified hours in a day infinitely.

  • Users can define termination on the automated task to set it up.

Defining termination

  • Never end is the default option for terminating a scheduled Automated Task.

  • It can be terminated by either specifying the Occurrence count or End by date.


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