Storage Account
  • 19 Nov 2024
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Storage Account

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Article summary

The Azure Storage Account is a common resource which can participate in many solutions. Sometimes it is used under the hood a little bit in solutions where you use a SQL Azure Database or a Function App and sometimes it is used much more directly in solutions where you are storing business data.

In Turbo360 you can add your Storage Account to a business application so that you can monitor it within the context of your application. An example of this is shown below.

Storage account.png


The dashboards feature lets you add the custom dashboards you want to see for your specific scenario. Below I am just showing the IO and transactions to make it easy for my support operator to get a feel for how the storage account is being used.

Resource dashboard.png


Monitoring is available for metrics in the storage account.


Monitoring Recommendations

The storage account monitoring recommendations would mainly focus on ensuring the general health and responsiveness of the storage account.


The common metrics people monitor here are:

MetricWarning ThresholdError threshold
Availability< 100< 99
Success E2E Latency> 50ms> 75ms
Success Server Latency> 50ms> 75ms

Points to Note:

  • Availability is a good general counter to indicate that applications should be able to access your storage account. We are looking for this counter to be 100%.

  • The 2 latency counters indicate how the storage account is processing your files. The more heavily used your storage account is then the more likely this country is to increase.

There are other metrics that can be monitored such as the transactions, data IO and capacity. The use of these counters would depend on how your application tyically behaves and its best to review with the application developers if there would be value in the case of your application if its worth monitoring these counters.

More Info

There are more info on specific counters on the below link:

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