Summary Alerts
  • 19 Jul 2024
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Summary Alerts

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Article summary


Turbo360 Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) enables users to receive summary alerts detailing the status of business processes and the incident count for each group within BAM.

Users will not only receive summary reports through notification channels but will also have the link to access the incidents.

Alert Settings

Summary alerts can be sent based on the following configurations:

  • Navigate to the context menu of groups and click Summary Alerts .
  • To receive the alerts enable the Summary Alerts.
  • Enter the Frequency settings by selecting the hours to receive the alerts.
  • In the Notifications settings section, select the desired notification channels to receive the alerts.
  • Finally, click on Save to apply the changes.

alert setting.gif

  • Selecting Include Business Process from Sub groups will include all the business processes within the subgroups for Summary Alerts.
  • Selecting Send an alert only if any Business Process are in error state will send Summary Alerts only if any of the Business Process is in error state.


The incidents logged for summary alerts will be listed in the "Incidents" section. This section will include the summary alert's status (Error/Warning/Healthy), the count of issues identified, the creation date and time, and details of the notification channels.

  • Clicking upon any of the Status will list with all the Business Processes with its status and incident count.

  • Selecting the Business Process will navigate you to the respective Business Process.

  • Selecting the Incidents will navigate you to the Incident section within the monitoring section of the respective business process.


The image below illustrates the Summary alert received for four Business Processes along with their Status and Incidents.

Summary Alert 3.JPG

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