What are Notifications?
  • 12 Jun 2024
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What are Notifications?

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Article summary


Azure Documenter provides a notification feature that allows users to be notified with the status of document generation using Turbo360 notification channels.

Enabling notification

  • Users can configure the required notification channels and email address(es) while creating document configuration to receive notifications on the status of the document generation process.

  • Notifications can be enabled for existing configurations by editing and selecting Enable notification option under the Notification Channels section. Choose the desired Notification channels from the list of available options. Once all the necessary information is added, press the Update button to update the document configuration along with notifications.


  • The notification configuration will be applied to the document configuration. When the document is generated again, the user will be notified via configured notification channels and email address (es).

Learn more about Notification channels by clicking here

Notification alerts

  • Users can access information about notification alerts for each document generation by selecting View history from the Actions dropdown and pressing the info icon available in any of the generated documents.

  • The information about notification alerts generated in the respective notification channels will be displayed in the Notification alert blade.


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