What is Azure Documenter?
  • 22 Apr 2024
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What is Azure Documenter?

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Article summary


Azure Documenter in Turbo360 allows users to create technical documentation on their Azure subscriptions.


Document types

Azure Documenter allows the generation of different document types, each covering a different use case.

  1. Executive Summary - Provides a summary of Resource Groups, Resource types, Locations across which the resources are distributed, and Billing Summary over a documentation period with security assessment details.
  2. Details on Resources - Provides in-depth information about each of the resource and a summary of resources grouped by Resource Types, Resource Groups, and Location.
  3. Details on Billing - Provides a tabular and graphical representation of cost incurred Resource wise, Resource type-wise, location-wise, and, Resource group-wise. It also provides a split-up of costs consumed at the individual resource level.
  4. Compliance & Evaluation - Evaluates subscription(s) or resources and provides a detailed report on policy definitions.
  5. Cost Comparison - Provides cost comparison between two different date ranges at the subscription level.
  6. Resource Auditing- Provides information on all the activities happened across the resources in the selected subscription(s).
  7. User Access Details- Provides a comprehensive report on the access provided within Azure's Active Directory group, Users and Service principal and their roles at subscription, resource group, and the resource level.
  8. Rightsizing Recommendations- Provides recommendations for cost savings, enhanced performance, and more efficient resource utilization.
  9. Reservation Recommendations- Provides recommendations for optimizing cost by discounting pay-as-you-go with 1- or 3- year(s) plan.
  10. Network diagrams- Provides diagrammatic representation illustrating Azure virtual networks and their topologies.

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