Cost Group Automation
  • 19 Nov 2024
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Cost Group Automation

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Article summary


Auto create groups is an option to Automate the group creation through rules defined based on Subscription, Resource groups, Types, Regions and Tags. These rules undergo daily evaluations, leading to the automatic creation of groups.

How to configure automation rules?

  1. Navigate to the Cost Management Group Overview
  2. Access the Auto create group feature by clicking on Configure.

Auto create group1.png

  1. Add a new automation rule by selecting Group rule.
  2. Define the rule by choosing a Filter Type such as Subscription, Resource Type, Resource Group, Location, or Tag. Specify the filter items to be included in the automation groups in the Includes field.
  3. Exclude specific filter items from the automated group by adding them to the Excludes field.
  4. Click on Child rule to create child groups based on the defined automation rule.
  5. Use the Delete option to remove added rules.
  6. Discard any unsaved changes with the Discard option.
  7. Clicking on Validate option provides a preview of the automated groups in a tree view, reflecting the configured rules.
  8. Clicking on View scope will display the filter items applied for each group.
  9. The rules will be saved and it will be automated once the Save button is clicked.

The Automation rule will execute after saving and will recur daily at the time of last save.

Configure group automation 3.gif

Run Now

  • Click the Run now button on the Auto create groups card within the respective group's overview section to trigger the group creation instantly.

  • This card displays the run details along with a toggle option to disable/enable the automation and an Edit option to update the configured rules.


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